About product
The Marine steel globe valve is a flanged-end valve designed for a wide range of pressure ratings
- PN16~PN420 and 150LB-2500LB.
- operating pressures ranging from 1.6 to 42.0MPa
- withstand temperatures from -29 to +550℃.
This globe valve is specifically designed for use in industries such as petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, chemical fertilizer, and power, catering to various pipeline conditions.
The J41H steel globe valve is capable of handling different types of media, including water, oil, steam, and acid mediums. It is commonly constructed using materials such as cast steel (WCB, LCB, WCC), stainless steel (CF8(M), CF3(M)), and forged steel (A105, F304(L), F316L). These materials are chosen for their durability and compatibility with the specified working conditions.